Streaming Pipeline


Stratefied Sampling

When stratified sampling is enabled (config.stratify=True), all samples are first organized into categories by their labels (must be integral). Images are then sampled from each category in round-robin order to make a stream. When loop is enabled (config.loop=True), a category automatically rewinds with optional re-shuffling (config.reshuffle=True), producing an endless stream with equal proportion of each category. When loop is disabled, a category is removed from round-robin when all its samples are consumed.

When stratified sampling is disabled, all records are considered to be in a single category.

Splitting and Cross-Validation

When splitting is enabled, records in each stratified category is first divided into K partitions (config.split = K), with the partition specified by config.split_fold removed. However, if config.split_negate is true, then only the partition specified by config.split_fold is retained. This splitting and data picking happens before streaming begins. Set config.shuffle=True to do random shuffle before K-fold splitting.

K-fold cross validation can be carried out by

  1. Specify config.split = K.
  2. Run the training-validation process for K times, with config.split_fold looping from 0 to K-1.
  3. Run training with config.split_negate = False, and then validation with config.split_negate = True.

A PicPac streamer class keeps its own random number generator. So long as config.seed is the same, data splitting is guaranteed to happen in the same way.

Decoding & Augmentation

A prefetching loader reads raw records from the above s stratified sample pool and process each records with the following steps:

  1. Decode the image, optionally limiting the image size to a given range (config.max_size, config.min_size).

  2. If annotation is enabled, render the JSON annotation (config.annotate = "json") or decode the annotation image. (`config.annotate = "image").

  3. Optionally save image and annotation to cache (config.cache = True), so the same record is seen again no disk reading and decoding has to be done.

  4. When augmentation is enabled (config.perturb = True), the image and annotation are randomly perturbed in the same way.

A thread pool (config.threads) is used for decoding and augmentation.

Generic Streaming API

import picpac

config = dict(loop=True,   # restart from beginning when all data consumed
                           # this leads to an endless loop.
         # with batch > 0, images in the same batch must be of the same size
         # use resize_width/height if raw images have different sizes

stream = picpac.ImageStream('path_to_db', **config)

for images, labels, pad in stream:
    # do something with images and labels

For each batch, images is a 4-dimensional tensor of the shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). Depending on configuration, labels can be of one of the following four sizes:

  • (batch_size): neither "annotate" or "onehot" is set. The raw float label returned.
  • (batch_size, classes): "annotate" is not set, "onehot" is set to number of classes. The raw float label is interpreted as class ID, and therefore must be integral.
  • (batch_size, 1, rows, cols): "annotate" is set and "onehot" is not set; for pixel-level regression.
  • (batch_size, classes, rows, cols): both "annotate" and "onehot" are set; for pixel-level classification. One-hot encoding is done assuming pixel value is the integral class ID.

When config.loop is False, and the remaining samples are not enough to make up a whole batch, the streamer will throw StopIteration if config.pad is False, or return a batch with random padding otherwise. When the latter happens, the pad value returned gives the number of padding samples. In all other cases, pad is always 0.


from picpac.mxnet import ImageStream

# create ImageStream using the same configuration parameters
# picpac.mxnet.ImageStream is inherited from


from picpac.neon import ImageStream

# create ImageStream using the same configuration parameters
# picpac.meon.ImageStream is inherited from


Use this Caffe FCN fork.

layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "PicPac"
  top: "data"
  top: "label"
  picpac_param {
    path: "path_to_db"
    batch: 16
    channels: 3
    split: 5
    split_fold: 0
    resize_width: 224
    resize_height: 224
    threads: 4
    perturb: true
    pert_color1: 10
    pert_color2: 10
    pert_color3: 10
    pert_angle: 20
    pert_min_scale: 0.8
    pert_max_scale: 1.2

Note that the above specification always go through the following touchup:

  config_.loop = true;
  if (this->phase_ == TRAIN) {
      config_.reshuffle = true;
      config_.shuffle = true;
      config_.stratify = true;
      config_.split_negate = false;
  else {
      config_.reshuffle = false;
      config_.shuffle = true;
      config_.stratify = true;
      config_.split_negate = true;
      config_.perturb = false;

The default behavior of Caffe is one-hot encoding, so do not specify onehot in configuration.